The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) |
09/25/05 |
John the Baptizer (Mark 1:2-8) |
10/02/05 |
The Trinity (Mark 1:9-11) |
10/09/05 |
The Temptation of Christ (Mark 1:12-13) |
10/16/05 |
The Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15) |
10/23/05 |
Repent and Believe (Mark 1:15b) |
10/30/05 |
A Call to Discipleship (Mark 1:16-20) |
11/06/05 |
Dealing with Demons (Mark 1:21-28) |
11/13/05 |
Jesus' Power over Disease & Demons (Mark 1:29-34) |
11/20/05 |
Jesus Prays (Mark 1:35) |
12/04/05 |
Jesus Cleanses the Leper (Mark 1:36-45) |
12/11/05 |
Jesus' Power to Forgive Sin (Mark 2:1-12) |
12/18/05 |
Matthew's Call (Mark 2:13-17) |
01/08/06 |
Jesus on Fasting (Mark 2 18-22) |
01/15/06 |
Jesus and the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28) |
01/22/06 |
The Sabbath (Mark 2:27-28) |
01/29/06 |
Holy Hatred (Mark 3:1-6) |
02/05/06 |
The Twelve (Mark 3:7-19) |
02/12/06 |
The Unforgivable Sin (Mark 3:20-35) |
02/19/06 |
The Parable of the Soils (Mark 4:1-20) |
03/03/06 |
Shine the Light (Mark 4:21-25) |
03/19/06 |
A Parable of Transition (Mark 4:26-29) |
03/26/06 |
The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-34) |
04/02/06 |
Where is Your Faith? (Mark 4:35-41) |
04/09/06 |
The Demoniac's Healing (Mark 5:1-20) |
04/30/06 |
Jesus' Power over Death (Mark 5:21-43) |
05/07/06 |
Jesus' Rejection in Nazareth (Mark 6:1-13) |
05/28/06 |
The Cost of Confronting Sin (Mark 6:14-29) |
06/04/06 |
Jesus' Compassion and Power (Mark 6:30-56) |
06/11/06 |
Vain Worship (Mark 7:1-13) |
06/25/06 |
A Radical Declaration (Mark 7:14-23) |
07/16/06 |
Jesus Feeds the Dog (Mark 7:24-30) |
07/23/06 |
Bread for the Dogs (Mark 7:31-8:10) |
07/30/06 |
Spiritual Blindness (Mark 8:11-26) |
08/06/06 |
On This Rock (Mark 8:27-30) |
08/13/06 |
An Unpopular Teaching (Mark 8:31-33) |
09/03/06 |
Follow Me! (Mark 8:34-38) |
09/10/06 |
Jesus Dates His Second Coming (Mark 8:38-9:1) |
09/24/06 |
The Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-10) |
10/01/06 |
Jesus the Rabbi (Mark 9:5) |
10/08/06 |
Where's Elijah? (Mark 9:11-29) |
10/15/06 |
How To Become Great (Mark 9:30-37) |
10/29/06 |
Don't Cause Your Brother to Stumble (Mark 9:38-50) |
11/05/06 |
Jesus' View of Marriage (Mark 10:1-12) |
11/12/06 |
Entering The Kingdom Like A Child (Mark 10:13-16) |
11/19/06 |
The Only Good Man? (Mark 10:17-27) |
12/10/06 |
Persecution and Eternal Life (Mark 10:28-31) |
12/10/06 |
The Servant Savior (Mark 10:32-45) |
01/14/07 |
Jesus Opens Blind Eyes (Mark 10:46-52) |
01/21/07 |
The Triumphal Entry (Mark 11:1-11) |
01/28/07 |
A Triptych of Judgement (Mark 11:12-24) |
02/04/07 |
You Better Forgive! (Mark 11:25-26) |
02/11/07 |
Blind Guides (Mark 11:27-33) |
02/18/07 |
The Vineyard and the Stone (Mark 12:1-12) |
02/25/07 |
God and Caesar (Mark 12:13-17) |
03/11/07 |
Resurrection Life (Mark 12:18) |
03/18/07 |
Jesus on the Afterlife (Mark 12:18-27) |
03/18/07 |
The Great Commandment (Mark 12:28-34) |
04/01/07 |
Who is Christ? (Mark 12:35-44) |
04/29/07 |
A Prophecy of Judgment (Mark 13:1-2) |
05/06/07 |
The Disciples Questions (Mark 13:3-4) |
05/13/07 |
All Nations Hear the Gospel by A.D. 70 (Mark 13:5-10) |
05/20/07 |
The Abomination of Desolation (Mark 13:11-18) |
06/03/07 |
The Great Tribulation (Mark 13:19) |
06/10/07 |
The Sun, Moon and Stars Go Out (Mark 13:20-25) |
06/17/07 |
Christ's Cloud Coming (Mark 13:26-27) |
06/24/07 |
This Generation (Mark 13:28-30) |
07/01/07 |
The Passing Away of Heaven and Earth (Mark 13:31) |
07/08/07 |
A Future Coming of Christ? (Mark 13:32-37) |
07/22/07 |
A Triptych of Love and Hate (Mark 14:1-11) |
08/12/07 |
A Providential Betrayal (Mark 14:12-21) |
09/02/07 |
The Lord's Supper (Mark 14:22-26) |
09/16/07 |
Apostolic Apostasy (Mark 14:27-31) |
09/23/07 |
The Garden and the Last Adam (Mark 14:32-42) |
09/30/07 |
Betrayed by a Kiss (Mark 14:43-52) |
10/07/07 |
God on Trial (Mark 14:53-65) |
10/14/07 |
Peter Denies Christ (Mark 14:66-72) |
10/21/07 |
Jesus vs. Barabbas (Mark 15:1-15) |
11/04/07 |
The Via Dolorosa (Mark 15:16-21) |
11/11/07 |
The Crucifixion (Mark 15:22-34) |
12/02/07 |
Seven Sayings from the Cross (Mark 15:35-41) |
12/09/07 |
Christ's Burial (Mark 15:42-47) |
12/16/07 |
He Has Risen! (Mark 16:1-8) |
01/06/08 |
A Questionable Ending (Mark 16:9-20) |
01/20/08 |